Facility Construction Timeline Update (1/30/20). We are 25% of the way through our facility improvement project at Monticello High School (MHS) and Washington Elementary School (WASH). The project began in June 2019 with the installation of four portable classroom units at MHS and is planned to conclude in the summer of 2021 with the closing of Lincoln School and the shifting around of elementary classrooms. Generally the timeline for the project is to complete all of the additions to the building by the end of summer 2020. We plan to use the MHS eight classroom addition, the fourteen classroom addition and the multi-purpose gym (Sievers Center) at WASH during the2020-21 school year. Part of WASH will be needed to house MHS classes beginning in the Fall of 2020 while MHS classrooms are remodeled. A new mechanical room attached to the NE corner of MHS will also be complete and running this summer. Some remodeling and mechanical installation is on-going throughout the project at both MHS and WASH – hence most hallways have missing ceiling tiles. We are already using two classrooms in the OLD MHS Pit Gym – the floor was raised to the same level as the hallway and we have a new Agriculture and Chorus classroom in that space. The MHS Auditorium remodel is nearly complete and will be ready for our first production (Mamma Mia) in early March. Major remodeling will begin inside MHS this summer as the administrative offices are moved down the hallway to the north toward the media center. Several classroom walls are coming down in some of the smaller MHS classrooms to make larger educational spaces. New restrooms are part of the MHS upstairs classroom remodeling plan and the current MHS science labs will be turned in to regular classrooms. All classroom spaces at MHS will be air-conditioned. Classrooms at the existing WASH School will get air-conditioning and new windows along with several newly remolded spaces for supportive service personnel. The MHS Media Center and Moore Gym locker-rooms will be the last part of the project. Overall the project has gone very well with faculty, staff, and students being flexible as needed throughout the project. We knew what a construction zone would entail when we embarked on building additions and remodeling over three summers and two school years. We are definitely keeping the end product in mind during this time. We are confident that the community will be proud of the project that they supported.
Summer 2019 portables, asbestos abatement phase 1, OLD WASH demo, MHS and WASH additions begin
School Year 2019-20 MHS/WASH additions, Multi-purpose gym, MHS Auditorium remodel and pit gym classrooms, asbestos abatement phase 2/3, MHS/WASH window replacement
Summer 2020 complete all MHS/WASH additions, WASH remodeling, MHS classroom remodeling, MHS Office remodeling
School Year 2020-21 MHS 1921 and 1966 classroom remodeling, MHS Media Center, Moore Gym lockerrooms
Summer 2021 complete project wrap up, move 4th/5th grade to WH, move PK-3 to WASH, close Lincoln School